January 21, 2009

Lost Season 5 Premiere

LOST Season 5 Pictures, Images and Photos
Wow. WOW. wow. This a delayed post, but the excitement still hasn't faded from the electrifying season premiere of LOST! It started off with a bang, and it was so cool how you didn't know where or when you were. I was NOT expecting it to be Dr. Candle! And the craziness never stopped. I love how the people or the island or both are time traveling. I love Daniel Faraday's character. Well I love everyone's character. Except maybe Charlotte. But I am really interested to find out about her, and I really hope she doesn't die before I get to. Juliet and Sawyer will probably hook up sooner or later. I loved all the touches of humor despite the dire circumstances.
My favorite moments:
1. Desmond popping out of the hatch in the bright yellow suit
2. Hurley wearing the "I heart my Shih-Tzu" shirt
3. Sayid gasping to life after being out practically the whole episode
4. Hurley's mom saying "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?"
5. Locke's knife coming out of nowhere to save Juliet and Sawyer
6. Neil (Frogurt) being killed by a flaming arrow
7. Seeing Daniel in the mine! Wtf!
8. The creepy ring shop woman doing creepy calculations
9. Seeing how cute Kate is with Aaron
10. Ben flushing Jack's pills and making him lose the beard
All in all, it was a great episode. It seems like every season gets better and better, and season one was amazing so that's saying something. LOST is the best show on television.

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