January 12, 2009

Only in Dreams

michael emerson: lost_e3s20 Pictures, Images and Photos
So the other night, I had a dream about Ben Linus from LOST. As in, short, bug-eyed, powerful, crazy, mostly heartless Ben! In my dream, we were making out and he was all bossy. It was really really weird. I do think Ben's assertiveness is attractive, and sometimes, in the right light, he's attractive. But it's BEN! Haha I just feel strange about him now. It's certainly not the first time I've had dreams about an inappropriate person- in high school I dreamed about one of my teachers all the time- but I've never had one about an evil person. I'm crazy probably. I am probably just overly excited for LOST, which comes back in NINE DAYS!!! I cheated and looked at some spoilers for next season, and they only made me more anxious! I have been waiting since MAY to see Jack, Sawyer, Sayid, Kate, Hurley, Locke, Sun, Jin, Ben, Juliet, Rousseau, Charlie, Desmond, Penny, Aaron, Walt, Frank, Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, Naomi, Charles Widemore, Charlie, Claire, Vincent, Ana Lucia, Libby, Richard, Mr. Eko, Shannon, Boone, Rose, Bernard, Nikki, Paulo, Dr. Candle, Mikail, Horace and the new characters! Nikki and Paulo are SO coming back.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Haha, I bet you like 9 billino kisses that there is NO WAY there coming back!! They got burried alive!! Unless they come back as mole people? Maybe? It's lost, you never know.